Saturday, February 22, 2020

Oh What a Lovely War Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oh What a Lovely War - Movie Review Example The stage production and the film differ from each other in many ways. The stage adaptation of the World War was more lighthearted and funny. It had a backdrop on which were projected harsh images of the war, but in sharp contrast the action on the stage was more comic in nature. Attenborough’s film however, had huge sequences of the war interspersed with motifs from the stage production. The stage play made use of Pierrot costumes, but the film did not make use of them. However, what was used in the film was the ‘cricket scoreboards’ that were used in the play, depicting the number of deaths that took place. The songs in the film are filled with dark comedy depicting the madness of the war. E.g. ‘When this Lousy war is over’ and Good-bye-ee.’ The songs though highly patriotic were masked by irony that hides the hideousness and carnage of the war. One of the most memorable scenes shot by Attenborough for the film was a crane shot of the final s equence showing hundreds of graves, on a large expanse of land. This scene is highly charged with emotion and is sure to bring tears to ones

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Social AND Environmental Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Social AND Environmental Accounting - Assignment Example Each group has its own interests; these interests are directly or indirectly affected by the activities of the companies. These stakeholders are; local communities, environmental groups such as Friends of Earth and Greenpeace, media, political and other pressure groups. Additionally, the impacts of companies’ activities have considerably increased. In the recent history, the mismanagement of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by British Petroleum (BP) has unmasked the dirty and unethical corporate practices exist; and their existence can seriously undermine the life of stakeholders. For example, BP is heavily fined over its mismanagement of oil spill. Is that fine going to bring back the same kind of environment that existed before the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Is the damage to the environment ever being repaired to its pre-oil spill level? Can we fully understand the total impacts of the oil spill over the sea life? In this single environmental disaster at the hands of BP , the entire sea life may face a threat of extinction since it is not possible at this point of time to fully comprehend the short term and long term impacts left by this environmental disaster. ... While ensuring the corporate objectives, many companies do not give much consideration to the current and potential negative effects of their activities. Due to the recent pressures from the governments, local communities and from the environmental groups, many companies produce the reports on corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting. In which, companies mention their positive and negative impacts of their activities on social and environmental stakeholders: They try to be transparent and accountable for their activities. In their sustainability and environmental reporting, the companies also describe their current policies towards social and environmental issues. In order to show off that they care for the social and environmental stakeholders, they mention in their sustainability reporting about their current and future investments with an aim of reducing their negative impacts over society and environment. However, many critics such as Friedman (1970), find no reason to believe on their genuine and realistic resolve towards mitigating their impacts as the companies are only established to serve the objectives of their shareholders which is to increase profits for them. Their only social responsibility is to increase the wealth of their shareholders Friedman (1970); at the end of the day, they are accountable to them not to society. In the subsequent parts of this essay, first environmental accounting, and its different types are included and critical analysis is included subsequently. Environmental accounting Environmental accounting has considerably evolved and received significant attention in the field of accounting after the work of the Gray in the year of 1990(Elkington,1993). Many